Nocturne Games
Nocturne is a leading gaming fund based on revenue-sharing that supports indie developers worldwide with funding, fair terms, and expert self-publishing assistance. Their team approached us to define their visual identity, bringing two challenges:
- Strike the right balance between a video game-inspired design, bold and playful for indie devs, and a more sleek one to attract an institutional audience.
- Create a one-of-a-kind identity for Nocturne, which at times knows how to be discreet to better highlight the games they publish.
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"Alasta a su traduire notre vision et nos objectifs en une identité visuelle audacieuse et maîtrisée ! Leur expertise et leur capacité à comprendre nos enjeux ont fait toute la différence. Mention spéciale pour l'ambiance positive et stimulante tout au long du projet."

Charles Thomas
Founding Partner @Nocturne Games
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